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Discover the Best AI Tools for Business to Boost Productivity

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Looking for the best AI tools to help your business run more efficiently? Our comprehensive guide will help you find the right AI tool for whatever job you have in mind.

Are you looking for ways to boost productivity across your business? Over the past few years, there’s been a boom in artificial intelligence (AI) tools that address different business needs and help boost productivity across organizations.

To help you navigate this world of AI-powered tools, we’ve compiled a list of the best AI tools to boost business productivity, organized by category.

Introduction to AI Tools for Business

A standard negative outlook on AI is that it will take away people's jobs. While I have no idea what the future holds for AI, its best use cases, I've found, are acting as copilots, helping workers do their jobs more efficiently and effectively.

Before exploring the various AI tools, we'll first provide a background on artificial intelligence and how it's currently helping businesses.

What are AI Tools, and How Can They Benefit Businesses?

AI tools are software applications that utilize artificial intelligence to automate tasks, provide insights, and enhance decision-making. These services might be embedded in existing software as AI-powered features, such as Microsoft’s Copilot, or stand-alone AI powered tools like ChatGPT.

The key value propositions of AI tools (for now anyway) are increasing efficiency, reducing costs, and improving customer experiences. No matter what business function, AI features and tools are likely available, including marketing, sales, customer service, and operations.

Top AI tools include ChatGPT, Zapier, Notion AI, Fireflies, and Grammarly. They can help you with everything from content creation to knowledge management, tasks, writing, data analysis, and streamlining workflows.

In this guide, we’ll dive deeper into each category of AI tool and help you find the best products to leverage AI and boost your business productivity.

AI Chatbots

Opened AI chat on laptop

The biggest AI breakthrough came with the release of ChatGPT - the original AI chatbot. Just about everyone has played around with one of these by now. AI chatbots function as very powerful search engines and AI-powered writers. They are useful because they are flexible - you can ask them to do a lot of different tasks, from drafting content, to coding, to cleaning up spreadsheets.

Some of the top chatbots include:

  1. ChatGPT: Developed by OpenAI, ChatGPT is renowned for its proficiency in language tasks such as writing, summarization, coding, and translation.
  2. Claude: Known for its long conversation memory, Claude is suitable for users who need to maintain context over extended interactions.
  3. Microsoft Bing AI: This chatbot excels in online search, text, and image generation, making it a versatile tool for users who need integrated search capabilities.
  4. Google Gemini: Specializes in integration with Google apps, providing seamless connectivity for users who rely on Google’s ecosystem.

AI Virtual Assistants

Alexa and other virtual assistants are everywhere in our homes, devices, and places of work

We’ve also probably all interacted with AI virtual assistants - they’re embedded into our phones, TVs and homes with the likes of Siri, Alexa, and the Google Assistant. There’s additional emerging tools and AI features to help with task management, meeting notes, scheduling, and more. These AI virtual assistants can integrate with other tools to improve task management and scheduling, enhancing overall productivity.

AI virtual assistants can be categorized into various types based on their functionalities:

  • Voice Assistants: Such as Siri and Alexa, which respond to voice commands for simple tasks like setting alarms or searching for information.
  • Task-Oriented Assistants: Designed for specific purposes, like scheduling appointments or managing emails.
  • Customer Service Assistants: These help businesses by answering customer inquiries and providing support, often using natural language processing to understand and respond to various questions.

Some popular AI virtual assistants:

  1. Apple Siri/Amazon Alexa/Google Assitant: Voice-powered virtual assistants that live in our devices and enable us to make calls, send texts, create notes, set timers, and more.
  2. Howie: A scheduling assistant that you can CC right from your email address and will find a suitable meeting time for all recipients.
  3. Fireflies: An assistant that joins all your video calls and takes notes, generates action items,a nd makes it easy to share with everyone in the meeting.
  4. Zendesk AI: An AI assistant that interacts with customers and tries to solve their issues without involving a human customer support agent.

AI Apps for Content Creation

AI can write for us - but should it?

AI tools are a game-changer if you’re doing lots of content marketing. These tools provide valuable insights that enhance decision-making and efficiency in content creation by automatically analyzing data and optimizing content. These tools help you draft engaging, SEO optimized content for things like blogs and social media posts.

Here are some content creation tools that boost creative productivity, categorize by content type.

Text Generation Tools

  1. Blaze: A tool for generating blogs, social media posts, and ad copy, in your brand tone in half the time.
  2. JasperAI: Designed for marketers and content creators, JasperAI helps generate high-quality written content quickly, optimizing for SEO and engagement.

Visual Content Creation

  1. Midjourney: An AI-powered image generation tool that creates stunning visuals based on detailed text prompts, useful for designers and content creators looking for unique images.
  2. DALL-E: Another image generation tool that allows users to create images from textual descriptions, ideal for visual storytelling, and based right in ChatGPT.
  3. Canva: While primarily a design tool, Canva incorporates AI features to streamline the design process, including automated layout suggestions and image enhancements.

Video Editing Tools

  1. InVideo: A robust video editing platform that allows users to create professional videos with ease, suitable for brands and content creators alike.
  2. Opus Clip:This tool specializes in transforming long-form videos into short, engaging clips for social media, optimizing content for platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels.
  3. A web-based video editing tool that simplifies the editing process, making it accessible for users with varying levels of expertise.

Photo Editing Tools

  1. Photoroom: An AI-driven photo editing tool that excels in background removal and image enhancement, perfect for e-commerce and social media content.
  2. Pixlr: Offers a range of AI-powered features to simplify photo editing, making it easier to create visually appealing content quickly.

Content Repurposing and Management

  1. Sprinklr: A comprehensive platform that automates content generation and management, providing insights into audience engagement and content performance.
  2. Lumen5: This tool converts blog posts into engaging videos, allowing creators to repurpose written content into visual formats effectively.

AI-Powered Social Media Scheduling

  1. Ocoya: This app combines social media scheduling with AI capabilities for content creation, allowing users to generate marketing text and create images and videos. It supports scheduling posts across various platforms and offers performance insights.
  2. SocialBee: This tool excels in content curation and scheduling, enabling users to categorize posts and automate the publishing process. It features an AI Copilot that can generate a social media strategy and schedule posts based on user-defined parameters.
  3. Simplified: This app offers an intuitive interface for scheduling social media posts and includes tools for AI-generated captions, graphic design, and video creation. It’s designed for ease of use, making it suitable for both beginners and professionals.

AI Models for Text Enhancement

Me using Grammarly and Surfer to help draft this article

AI tools can generate blogs, social media posts, and all your other content. But, we all know an AI-generated article when we see one. When it comes to writing, it’s still best to use AI as a copilot rather than a replacement for human creativity.

Here are a few tools that help you do just that:

  1. Surfer: For SEO-focused writers, Surfer acts as a guide for optimizing your articles to ensure they’re showing up on search (I’m using Surfer as we speak).
  2. Grammarly: A prominent AI-powered writing assistant that suggests grammatical fixes and ways to improve your writing (I’m also using Grammarly right now).
  3. Anyword: Offers writing assistance by suggesting improvements and helping generate content tailored to specific needs.

AI-Powered Task Management Tools

AI can help us generate and even complete simple tasks

AI-powered task management tools can help with tasks such as task creation, assignment, and tracking.

Some examples include:

  1. Taskade: This tool is designed to streamline tasks, assignments, outlines, checklists, and workflows. Taskade’s AI features enhance task scheduling and monitoring, making it a helpful asset for project managers. It offers real-time collaboration and automatic syncing, ensuring that teams remain updated across shared workspaces.
  2. Forecast: Known for its comprehensive project management capabilities, Forecast offers features such as project creation, budgeting, resource allocation, and task management. It integrates seamlessly with existing software, providing smart insights and automation to improve efficiency and collaboration.
  3. As mentioned previously, this tool acts as an AI personal assistant, recording, transcribing, and summarizing meetings, even creating follow ups and action items. It enhances communication and organization by allowing users to add comments and highlight important information for team review.
  4. Ayanza: Ayanza provides AI-powered task management with features like task creation, prioritization, deadline tracking, and collaboration tools. It uses AI to analyze user behavior for personalized recommendations and automates routine tasks.

AI-Powered Automation Tools

More and more AI is helping us link up tools and clean data as it flows around your business

AI-powered automation tools can help with tasks such as automating workflows and integrating apps.

Some examples:

  1. Zapier: Automates workflows by connecting thousands of apps. It uses natural language to create workflows and integrates with AI tools like OpenAI and ChatGPT.
  2. IFTT: A popular choice for simple automation tasks, IFTTT allows users to create unlimited workflows (called Applets) connecting over 700 services.


AI tools offer an array of opportunities for businesses to enhance productivity, streamline operations, and stay competitive. From AI chatbots and virtual assistants that help you solve problems or answer questions, to sophisticated content creation and automation tools, AI is helping us get more work done faster and better.


What is artificial intelligence?

AI is a branch of computer science that involves creating systems capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence. These tasks include problem-solving, understanding language, recognizing patterns, and learning from experience. AI systems use algorithms and data to make decisions, often mimicking cognitive functions associated with the human mind. The goal of AI is to improve efficiency, enhance decision-making, and provide insights across various domains.

What is machine learning?

Machine learning is a subset of AI that involves training algorithms to learn patterns and make decisions from data without being explicitly programmed. It uses statistical techniques to enable machines to improve their performance on tasks over time as they are exposed to more data. Machine learning is used in various applications, including predictive modeling, natural language processing, and image recognition. By identifying patterns in data, machine learning models can make predictions and adapt to new information.

Who created artificial intelligence?

AI as a field of study was founded by a group of scientists and researchers in the mid-20th century. One of the key figures is John McCarthy, who coined the term "artificial intelligence" in 1956 and organized the Dartmouth Conference, which is considered the birthplace of AI as an academic discipline. Other pioneers include Marvin Minsky, Allen Newell, and Herbert A. Simon, who contributed to early developments in AI research and theory. Their work laid the foundation for AI as we know it today.

What is AGI in artificial intelligence?

AGI, or Artificial General Intelligence, refers to a form of AI that possesses the ability to understand, learn, and apply knowledge across a wide range of tasks at a level comparable to human intelligence. Unlike narrow AI, which is designed for specific tasks, AGI would have the capacity to perform any intellectual task that a human can do. The development of AGI remains theoretical and is a long-term goal in the field of AI research, with significant ethical and technical challenges to address.

How to use artificial intelligence?

To use AI effectively, businesses should identify areas where AI can enhance efficiency, decision-making, or customer experience. Start by selecting appropriate AI tools that align with specific business needs, such as AI chatbots for customer service or automation tools for streamlining operations. Integrate these tools into existing workflows and ensure that teams are trained to leverage AI capabilities. Continuously evaluate the impact of AI on business processes and adjust strategies to maximize benefits.

Why is artificial intelligence important?

AI is important because it enables businesses and organizations to automate tasks, enhance decision-making, and improve efficiency. AI can analyze large volumes of data quickly, providing insights that would be impossible for humans to achieve in a short time. It helps in improving customer experiences, optimizing operations, and reducing costs across various industries. By leveraging AI, companies can stay competitive and adapt to changing market demands.

What is the difference between AI and machine learning?

AI is a broad field of computer science focused on creating systems that can perform tasks requiring human-like intelligence, such as reasoning and problem-solving. Machine learning is a subset of AI that specifically deals with training algorithms to learn patterns from data and make predictions or decisions without being explicitly programmed. While AI encompasses a range of technologies and applications, machine learning is one of the key techniques that enable AI systems to learn and improve over time.

What are foundation models in generative AI?

Foundation models in generative AI are large-scale, pre-trained neural networks designed to perform a wide range of tasks with minimal fine-tuning. These models, such as GPT-3 and DALL-E, are trained on vast amounts of data and can generate content, including text and images, based on input prompts. They serve as a base for various applications, allowing developers to leverage their capabilities for specific tasks with fewer resources and less training data.

How is artificial intelligence used?

AI is used across various industries to automate processes, enhance decision-making, and improve customer experiences. In business, AI tools like chatbots and virtual assistants streamline customer service and support. In healthcare, AI assists in diagnostics and personalized medicine. AI is also used in finance for fraud detection, in marketing for personalized content, and in manufacturing for predictive maintenance and quality control.

What are AI tools?

AI tools are software applications that utilize AI technologies to perform tasks, analyze data, and automate processes. These tools can range from AI-powered features within existing software, like Microsoft’s Copilot, to standalone applications like chatbots, virtual assistants, and content creation platforms. They help businesses increase efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance customer experiences across various functions, including marketing, sales, customer service, and operations.

Why are chatbots a great tool for strategically using marketing automation and AI?

Chatbots are a great tool for marketing automation and AI because they provide instant, personalized interactions with customers, enhancing user engagement and satisfaction. They can handle a high volume of inquiries simultaneously, freeing up human resources for more complex tasks. Chatbots also collect valuable data on customer preferences and behaviors, enabling businesses to refine their marketing strategies. By automating routine interactions, chatbots help businesses efficiently manage customer relationships and improve overall service quality.

How is artificial intelligence transforming the world?

AI is transforming the world by revolutionizing industries and enhancing how we work and live. AI enables automation of routine tasks, allowing for increased efficiency and productivity. It provides powerful tools for data analysis, leading to more informed decision-making and innovation. AI-driven technologies are improving healthcare outcomes, enhancing customer experiences, optimizing supply chains, and contributing to advancements in fields like autonomous vehicles and smart cities.

Matthew Johnson

Published on

August 2, 2024